For Families and Communities

Thank you for helping us share the word about lead poisoning prevention!

You may need a PDF reader to view the files on this page. To download any item, click on the item’s image or the item’s name in the middle column. NvCLPPP materials are organized into items for providers and for families and the community. To view materials for providers, please click below to find materials in that category:

Materials for families include brochures, flyers, coloring books, and educational videos. You can also find educational materials made specifically for kids! Most are available in both English and Spanish. We hope you these will be useful to you as you learn about lead poisoning and that these will encourage many families and individuals to get tested for lead.





Lead Poisoning Prevention Video


For more materials for children, please visit Kid’s Corner!

  • Kid’s Corner is a collection of fun activities for kids that will help teach and reinforce the importance of lead safety.

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Kajal Can Poison Children

Surma Fact Sheet

(8.5 x 11.0 inches)

Dari/English: Surma Fact Sheet

Pashto/English: Surma Fact Sheet

The Surma Fact Sheet is an infographic from the Western States Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit. It describes the dangers of using surma, or kajal, and suggests safer alternative products. Available in English, Dari, and Pashto.

Lead: An Overview

Childhood Lead Exposure Brochure

(8.5 x 11.0 inches)

English: Childhood Lead Exposure

Spanish: Niños Expuestos Al Plomo

Childhood Lead Exposure explains what lead is and the effect it has on children’s health, possible lead sources, blood lead testing, and how to lower the risk of lead poisoning.

After The Lead Test

Understanding The Results Brochure

(8.5 x 11.0 inches)

English: After The Lead Test

Spanish: Después de la Prueba de Plomo

After The Lead Test provides an explanation of how to understand the results of a blood lead test and what actions to take depending on your child’s blood lead level.

Tips to Clean

How to Clean Lead Chips and Dust Flyer

(8.5 x 11.0 inches)

English: Tips to Clean Lead Chips & Dust In Your Home For A Healthy Home

Spanish: Consejos Para Limpiar Virutas de Plomo y el Polvo en Su Casa Para un Hogar Sano

Tips to Clean Lead Chips & Dust In Your Home For a Healthy Home is an infographic from the New Mexico Department of Health. It is a step-by-step guide on how to safely clean up lead chips and dust from hard surfaces, wall-to-wall carpeting, and rugs in your home.

Don’t Let Lead Hitch A Ride Home

How to Protect Your Family If You Work With Lead

(8.5 x 11.0 inches)

English: Don’t Let Lead Hitch a Ride Home: Protect Your Family

Spanish: No Permita Que El Plomo Entre En Su Hogar

Don’t Let Lead Hitch a Ride Home: Protect Your Family From Lead is an infographic from the Nevada Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program. It showcases the symptoms of lead poisoning and 5 tips to keep your family and home safe if you work with lead.

Lead Dust in Imported Mini-Blinds

Mini-Blinds Flyer

(8.5 x 11.0 inches)

English: Lead Dust in Imported Mini-Blinds

Spanish: El Polvo de Plomo En Las Persianas de Vinilo Importadas

Lead Dust in Imported Mini-Blinds is an infographic from the New Mexico Department of Health. It describes how to identify if your blinds are a lead hazard, how to safely remove them if they are, and frequently asked questions from renters and those looking to purchase new blinds for their home.

Lead and Pregnancy

Keep Baby Safe Flyer

(8.5 x 11.0 inches)

English: Lead and Pregnancy: Keep Baby Safe

Spanish: El Plomo y El Embarazo: Mantenga A Su Bebé Seguro

Lead and Pregnancy: Keep Baby Safe is an infographic from the New Mexico Department of Health. It describes the do’s, don’ts, and best strategies to use to keep you and your baby safe from lead poisoning while pregnant.

Isabella: Lead Impacts and Sources

Lead Impacts and Sources of Lead Flyer

(8.5 x 11.0 inches)

English: Isabella: Lead Impacts And Sources

Spanish: Isabella: Los Impactos Del Plomo Y Fuentes Que Exponen

Isabella: Lead Impacts and Sources is an infographic featuring Isabella showcasing the symptoms that lead poisoning can have on the human body and possible sources of lead exposure.

About the NvCLPPP

Informational Program Flyer

(8.5 x 11.0 inches)

English Only: About the NvCLPPP

About the NvCLPPP is a one-page flyer explaining the goals that the Nevada Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program is working towards and the services that they offer.

Lead Risk Factor Checklist

Informational Checklist

(9.0 x 6.5 inches)

English Only: Lead Risk Factor Checklist

The Lead Risk Factor Checklist is a simple cheerful checklist created by the Nevada Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program to help parents and families identify potential risk factors for lead poisoning in the home. – Only Available In English

Leadie Eddie

Coloring Book

(8.5 x 11.0 inches)

Leadie Eddie

Leadie Eddie is a coloring book from the Gateway Maternal and Child Health Consortium, Inc. Unleash your child’s inner artist! Meet Leadie Eddie, color his world, and learn how to stay safe from lead. – Only Available In English

My Very Own Lead Poisoning Prevention Coloring and Activity Book

Coloring Book

(8.5 x 11.0 inches)

English: My Very Own Lead Poisoning Prevention Coloring and Activity Book

Spanish: Mi Propio Libro Para Colorear Con Actividades Para La Prevención Del Envenenamiento Por Plomo

My Very Own Lead Poisoning Prevention Coloring and Activity Book is produced by the Nevada Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program. Let your child’s creativity run wild as they learn about lead poisoning prevention! You’ll find a variety of activities such as mazes, word searches, and connect-the-dots, as well as plenty of coloring pages for kids of all ages.

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To ask a question, provide feedback, report a problem, or order materials, contact us at 702-895-1040 or at