For Providers

Thank you for helping us share the word about lead poisoning prevention!

You may need a PDF reader to view the files on this page. To download any item, click on the item’s image or the item’s name in the middle column. NvCLPPP materials are organized into items for providers and for families and the community. To view materials for families and the community, please click the link below:

Materials for providers include posters, flyers, and educational aids. Posters are available in English and Spanish. These materials are aimed to educate providers about lead poisoning and help them educate and encourage families and individuals to test for lead.




Can You Spot The Lead?

Community Poster

(18 x 24 inches)

English: Can You Spot The Lead?

Spanish: Los Síntomas Son Difíciles De Identificar

Can You Spot The Lead focuses on the lack of visible symptoms of lead poisoning and reviews the recommended testing schedule for children.

Leave The Lead Behind!


(18 x 24 inches)

English: Leave The Lead Behind

Spanish: Alto! Deje El Plomo Atras

Leave The Lead Behind has information about lead poisoning prevention relevant to those who come into contact with lead at work or in their hobbies, and encourages them to follow safety tips to prevent tracking lead dust home.

Let Life Start Lead-Free

Pregnancy Poster

(18 x 24 inches)

Fingertips gently rest on a pregnant belly. A reminder that lead can pass through the placenta and harm a growing baby.

English: Let Life Start Lead-Free

Pregnancy Poster - Spanish

Spanish: Deje Que La Vido Comience Sin Plomo

Let Life Start Lead-Free is targeted towards pregnant women or those expecting to become pregnant.

Childhood Lead Poisoning

Healthcare Provider Flyer

(8.5 x 11 inches)

Only Available in English: Childhood Lead Poisoning

Childhood Lead Poisoning Provider Flyer provides healthcare providers with essential facts on CDC recommended lead testing, lead exposure sources, health risks, and an easy-to-read recommended actions and retesting timeline table based on blood lead level results.

Lead Poisoning and Pregnancy

Healthcare Provider Flyer

(8.5 x 11 inches)

Only Available in English: Lead Poisoning and Pregnancy

Lead Poisoning and Pregnancy Flyer provides healthcare providers with a list of recommended lead risk assessment questions for pregnant women and recommended actions and follow-up testing timeline based on blood lead level test results.

Don’t Let Lead Hitch A Ride Home

Educational Aid

(8.5 x 11 inches)

English: Don’t Let Lead Hitch a Ride Home: Protect Your Family

Spanish: No Permita Que El Plomo Entre En Su Hogar

Don’t Let Lead Hitch a Ride Home: Protect Your Family From Lead is an infographic from the Nevada Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program. It showcases the symptoms of lead poisoning and 5 tips to help patients keep their families and homes safe if they work with lead.

5 Reasons To Test Your Patients for Lead

Educational Aid

(8.5 x 11 inches)

Only Available in English: 5 Reasons To Test Your Patients For Lead

5 Reasons To Test Your Patients for Lead is an accompaniment to our healthcare provider educational workshops. This is a part of the NvCLPPP Healthcare Provider Portfolio. This infographic provides healthcare providers with five compelling reasons to test their patients for lead.

Provider Guidance Packet

Educational Aid

(8.5 x 11 inches)

English: Provider Guidance Packet

The Provider Guidance Packet is an accompaniment to our healthcare provider educational workshops. This resource provides guidelines on testing, reporting, and case management for children who have been exposed to lead. The packet also includes an overview on lead sources, resources for families, and screening questionnaires.
This resource is available in English only.

Research Summary

Educational Aid

(8.5 x 11 inches)

Only Available in English: Provider Portfolio Cascade

The Research Summary is an accompaniment to our healthcare provider educational workshops. This is a part of the NvCLPPP Healthcare Provider Portfolio. This one page summary is an educational aid for healthcare providers, providing a concise summary of recent peer-reviewed findings pertaining to the effects of lead exposure to help them make informed care decisions with their patients. This is available in English only.

Kajal Can Poison Children

Surma Fact Sheet

(8.5 x 11.0 inches)

Dari/English: Surma Fact Sheet

Pashto/English: Surma Fact Sheet

The Surma Fact Sheet is an infographic from the Western States Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit. It describes the dangers of using surma, or kajal, and suggests safer alternative products. Available in English, Dari, and Pashto.

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To ask a question, provide feedback, report a problem, or order materials, contact us at 702-895-1040 or at